Wednesday Kickball League (Ages 8-11) Fall 2020

We have started registration for our Fall 2020 Indoor Kickball League.  Wednesdays are for ages 8-11 at 5pm starting 10/28/2020.  (Have 12-13-year-olds? Please read blue highlight below).

We have 3 teams "mostly" formed for the Wednesday League.  We are looking for 7-10 players for Team #4 - The One Kick Wonders; and we are hoping for a few more girls to help complete teams 1, 2, and 3.  If someone wants to run with Team 4 to try to form/fill their own team, please let me know ASAP.

Four (4) Co-Ed Teams - 11 Weeks of Team Play

Teams can roster up to 10 players of age 8 - 11

Up to 7 players on the field playing defense (2 must be girls), all players in attendance are allowed to kick.

$125 per player for the 10-week league

Siblings cost is only $100 if they represent roster spot number 8, 9, or 10 of the team

Double-headers will be played each Wednesday starting at 5pm.  

Oct 28 (Scrimmage, Learn League Rules)
Nov 4, 11, 18, 25
Dec 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

Jan 6 (playoff/championship week)

More details found after sign-in >> here  League rules, etc. found in "Camps/Classes" > "Wednesday Kickball League" > "Details 'icon'"

Please reach out to me directly if you have any questions.   We are also considering a 12-13yo league on Mondays (please let me know if you want in!).

Jonathan Hobdy